Nicole Freemyer
iExamen 2
Kind Words
I tried my best to only use words that were kind, useful, and true. Before the iExamen, I thought that by
the end of the day I would have had to stop myself from saying negative or
unkind statements multiple times.
But as the day continued, I did not find myself struggling to retain any
unkind words. I noticed that
overall, I use positive and kind language on a daily basis because this is what
I have been taught and what I am used to.
That afternoon I had to tutor a girl in Spanish and during this time I
had to be overly-conscious of my words because I did not want to use any unkind
language that would discourage her or any untrue words that would give her
false information.
I did not notice any drastic differences in the way I communicated today, I did
notice some small problems. It is
my friend’s birthday today and as a joke I was planning on posting an
embarrassing but funny picture of her on Instagram as my way of saying happy
birthday. But I though this would
be an unkind form of communication so instead, I just posted a happy birthday
message on her Facebook wall. Also,
today I was having lunch with another friend and she was telling a story while
I was texting on my phone. When
she was done with the story I realized I had no idea what she said and so I
made a random remark that was neither useful nor true. I would not call myself a liar and I
don’t think I make random remarks like this very often but now I am more aware
and will try not to make useless and untrue comments like this in the
told a couple of friends about this assignment and their initial reaction was
the same as mine; “that’s really hard.”
But after completing the iExamen, I realized it was not as hard as I thought
it would be. Using kind words all
of the time is easy and rewarding because you never know when a few simple,
kind words could brighten someone’s mood or even their whole day. Always using truthful and useful words
is a little more challenging because sometimes people say things simply for the
sake of keeping up a conversation and these words might not always be true or
helpful. For example, if someone
says that they thought an exam was difficult and you respond by saying that you
thought the same exam was extremely easy, that would make the person feel bad
and maybe even dumb. Sometimes it
is better to agree and say that you thought it was difficult too in order to
avoid an awkward and potentially hurtful situation.
I thought this iExamen helped me realize that I do use kind words very often
and I think this relates to my generally good-natured personality. However, this exercise has taught me to
be more conscious of the degree to which my words are useful and true. From now on I will try to be more
honest and I will try not to say things simply for the sake of
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